

Focused on the holistic development.

Hyperlocal, early-age & interest-based.

Our Mission
Live. Love. Learn.

Our Mission: Live.


A community where we strive to live positively, purposefully and practically.

Our Mission: Love.


A community where all children feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential.

Our Mission: Learn.


A community to help each child develop a curiosity about learning, discover their interests and grow in their love of learning. A safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.

The Taabur Story

A & B, first time parents, found themselves in a new city in a nuclear set-up with their 2-year-old in a COVID-impacted world. They wanted to find activity centers in their neighbourhood to focus on her holistic development. They tried a variety of sources but found the whole experience very challenging. They decided to find a solution and fix it for good.

We are a community focused on the holistic development of children. A hyperlocal, inclusive, early-age and interest-based activity discovery and booking platform.
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!

Smart Cookie

Smart Cookie is our attempt at sharing learnings from our parenting journey. We are working on changing the narrative, promoting inclusion, spreading awareness and positivity on children with special needs.

Smart Cookie is a milestone-based learning & development program focused on holistic development in young children with a focus on children with special needs.

We aim to launch our own activity-based learning program delivered in the form of,

  1. Smart Cookie Toys, Activity Kits & Subscription Boxes aided by the,
  2. Smart Cookie Academy providing courses for our parents to navigate the world of parenting like experts

Smart Cookie - The chocolate chips in a vanilla world.

Our Approach

0 Guesswork
Course + Activity. We let you know what to do & how to do it.

Right Activity @ Right Time
Age & milestone-based courses, toys & activity kits.

Child-Safe & Sustainable
Made in India with Love.

Smart Cookie - The chocolate chips in a vanilla world.
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!
Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!


Focused on the holistic development of children.

Taabur.com - Making Parents Smart!


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Taabur | Offline?
You seem to have lost your internet connection. The universe is trying to tell you something. So please take that well-deserved break. We have got some good old-fashioned Tetris for you.

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Focused on the holistic development of children.